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Find melody channel
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A MIDI file contains up to 16 MIDI channels. One or more can play the melody.
The melody channel number is not defined by MIDI standard.

E.g. for muting melody or for displaying melody notes on scoreline you must find out the melody channel. This function should help during this task by showing information about MIDI channels (track names and used sound name) and by playing one or two selected MIDI channels while longer pauses are skipped and playing speed can be increased.

Melody channel
Choose a channel from the combo list box which might be possible a melody channel according to description (track name, sound name).  

If there is already a melody channel stored for this song (MIDI description) this channel will be suggested. It will try to detect and suggest a melody channel from the track names and similiarities between note positions and lyric syllable positions.

channel 2
Here you can choose a second channel. This allows to quicker analyse if a melody channel is found. Some songs use melody channels.  

Hint: When searching melody and bass then channel 2 asks for the bass channel.
Hint: channel 10 is reserved for GM drums.

Play speed
Normal uses the original speed of the MIDI song.  
Choose a higher number to play the selected channels quicker if you still can identify the melody.  

Plays the selected channels with selected speed.  
The playing stops automatically when changing a channel or the speed or when the dialog is closed.  

At function "Find melody channel" the chosen channels will be stored as melody channels in the MIDI description to current song after dialog was closed with OK.